We face rejection in life on a daily basis and it’s understandable as long as it’s logical. But when it comes to arranged marriages in India, it’s a different ball game altogether. 

We found a Quora thread where people who experienced this penned it down.

1. “They all like my family, me, and wish to move ahead. But once I put forward just one condition that I have, everything breaks apart. That is, after the wedding, I will give half my salary to my parents. Just that.” – Anonymous

2. “My mom was rejected by a prospective groom just before the engagement because his family discovered that she wore contact lenses!” – Poojitha Prasad 

3. “I started eating dosa using my fingers. I could see the disgust on her face as if I was ill-mannered. She stopped talking to me or showing any interest in me. When I was done eating the dosa, she asked me if we can leave.”  – Ravi Mishra 

4. “He asked me about my academic background. I didn’t go into the details. But he insisted, so I told him my ranking. He just couldn’t handle that I had got a better ranking and a higher percentage than him. Then came the topic of salary. Turns out, I was earning more than him. His face turned all red. I was rejected for being over-qualified.” – Anonymous

5. “She ordered Mojito. I ordered a cup of tea. The expression on the girl’s face when I ordered tea spoke it all. And I hated her for judging me for my tea. We left and neither of us ever called each other.”  – Vikrant Desai

6. “I was rejected multiple times for my baldness, height, weight, and even my salary.” – Radhe Shyam

7. “The system of arranged marriages is so fucked up in our society that a girl is rejected due to an illness that her mother has. Even before knowing whether the girl has the same problem or not.” – Aniket Singh

8. “I got ready, my mom asked me to collect the clothes that were hanging in the balcony. I rushed towards the balcony for the same. Suddenly while doing so, my panties slipped from the rope on which it was hanging and fell down. Unfortunately, the panties landed on the guy’s father’s head. And, that was that. ” – Priyanka Shah

9. “I got rejected, because I wanted to live with HIS parents after marriage and he did not WTF. It should have been me who should have rejected him. – Anonymous

10. ” I was rejected because I was wearing SHORTS. They didn’t mind my degree, and they didn’t even mind the dowry. They rejected me simply because of the clothes I was wearing. – Hema C

11. “I have just two reasons to get rejected and that is because I am dark-skinned & short. Something which is not my fault at all.” – Anonymous

12. ” We never understood why but this is the reason we were told for being rejected; we served them samosas and sharbat instead of tea and poha.” – Aditi N Patil 

13. “I was told that I was too fair, much fairer than the girl and she hated that a guy is fairer than her. What would her friends say?” –  Manan Vaishnav

14. “No one gave the real reason that they found me fat- instead, I was given ridiculous reasons, some even borderline stupid” – Manan Vaishnav

15. “The family wanted assurance that I would reject promotions and offers that would result me in earning more than the prospective husband. “Fuck this shit” – I said it right to their faces.” – Anonymous

16. “For this one guy, I wasn’t religious enough. Or, maybe he rejected me because I said that I don’t like EDM music. Who knows?” – Anonymous

17. “My arms weren’t shaved. He was shocked. I told him I never shave or wax. I am comfortable in my own skin. Clearly, that caused him to be uncomfortable.” – Anonymous

18. “The girl’s father wanted me to get a potency test. I said I wouldn’t mind getting it done as long as his daughter also underwent a fertility test. And the man just lost his mind.” –  Kunal Adhikary

19. “She said she can’t marry me because I am earning less than her. She also said that it doesn’t look good that the boy is earning less than a girl in our society. ” – Anonymous

20. “The funniest one was this girl who rejected me because she was a Modi supporter and I criticized his work.” – Anonymous

21. “One girl rejected me because she was a single child and was not ready to relocate. She was okay if I was ready to move to her city. I am also a single child.” – 

22. “One day we were chatting and somehow Ranveer Singh entered our discussion. I told her blatantly that I do not like him as an actor. Out of the blue, she called me and said I have no taste in movies and that I do not know how to spot a great actor. She also went so far as to say that I am jealous of Ranveer and hence do not like him.” –  Nikhil Vidhani

Yikes, this almost makes me never want to get married.