If you’re someone who has a sweet tooth, then at some point in your life, you must’ve day dreamed of having a taste testing job. Because, who wouldn’t want to put their love and expertise for food to some good use and make money from it, right? 

Well, have we got some news for you! Apparently, Candy Funhouse – a Canadian candy company is offering just this. A taste testing job!

According to Candy Funhouse‘s LinkedIn post, they’re looking to fill a vacancy for their Chief Candy Officer position. The role requires taste testing over 3,500 of the company’s products every month. And then, to approve the ones they like. As simple as that! 


You’d have responsibilities such as part taking in strategizing to produce better products and run board meetings. 

Also evidently, some of the requirements include for the candidate to be enthusiastic about trying confectionary products and not have any food allergies. 
Oh and did we mention that you require no previous experience? Yep! How darn cool. 


Who would have thought having a sweet tooth could be so profitable!