Social media has both been a boon and bane for humankind. While various studies and researchers have indicated it being more inclined towards the ‘bane’ bit, but social media users have something to rejoice about.     


new study has suggested that spending time on social media and Facebook can make us happier and also could be good for our psychological well being. 

This research was made by Michigan State University stating that Facebook might actually be good for especilly adults with their anxiety and depression. 


The study was conducted on 13,000 people which was collected between the years 2015-2016. Everyone was asked to talk about the distress caused by the use of the internet and 63% adults over 29 years of age were less likely to have a mental illness related to it as opposed to a younger crowd.   


Even though several pieces of research have shown its negative outcome, adults staying in touch with their loved ones who are far away can actually make their mental health much better.   

The professor who conducted the research adds,  

Today, we have these ongoing, little bits of information popping up on our cell phones and Facebook feeds, and that ongoing contact might matter for things like mental health. 

It is also great for adults if the extended family is on social media, only considering they aren’t showing any signs of mental illness.   

H/T: Study Finds