The one thing that I hate about winter is the dryness it brings along with it. I don’t know if you have noticed this or not but it is during this time of the year that our skin becomes dry, irritated and flaky. No matter how much you moisture and apply lotion the skin again becomes dry and itchy. So if you are dealing with the same problem then we are here to help. Here are some natural remedies that you can use if you want to keep your skin hydrated and well moisturized this winter season. 

1. Don’t take a hot water shower.

There is nothing better than a steaming hot water shower during winters but sadly this leads to dry skin. Super hot water is not good for the skin as it takes away all the moisture. Instead you should have a bath in lukewarm water and use a mild, gentle soap that will moisture and hydrate the skin.

2. Moisturize your body when you are damp. 

If you have a moisturizing routine then you should do it the right way. Lotions are designed to lock moisture so the best time to apply it is when you a fresh from the shower or bath. This way your skin will remain moist and hydrated for longer hours.

3. Apply petroleum jelly. 

If you have dry patchy skin then you should apply petroleum jelly. It traps the moisture underneath and covers the skin in a protective layer. This in turn helps in healing dry skin and irritated skin patches.

4. Apply virgin coconut oil on your skin.

This is the best remedy that will instantly help you get rid of dry skin. Just apply coconut oil on the dry areas of your skin and leave it on. The coconut oil will get absorbed by the skin and lock the natural moisture of the skin to give you soft, smooth skin. You can also use baby oil or vegetable oil.

5. Soak yourself in milk. 

You don’t need to apply lotion when you have milk. Pour some milk in a bowl and dip a washcloth in it and apply it to your skin for at least 5 minutes. Why? Because milk has soothing properties and it also has lactic acid which is good for the skin.

6. Apply honey and olive oil on you skin.

Make a mixture of honey, olive oil and lemon juice. Apply this mixture to all the dry areas and leave it on for 20 minutes before wiping it off with a washcloth. Honey and olive oil are extremely skin friendly. They aid in restoring moisture of the skin.

7. Have a long warm water bath before going to bed. 

This treatment is the best and it can’t be beaten. Get into the shower, take a long warm water bath, long enough that your toes and fingers begin to wrinkle. Dry yourself up and immediately apply a generous coat of coconut oil, olive oil or any other oil for that matter. Sleep like a baby and wake up with soft skin.

8. Take an oatmeal bath.

In case you didn’t know, oatmeal has been used since ages for treating dry, irritated skin. Why, you are wondering? Well, oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to soothe irritation. Just make sure you moisturize well after taking an oatmeal bath to lock in the moisture. All you have to do is, finely grind the oatmeal and mix it in warm water.

Get rid of dryness and get soft, moist skin.