If you’re anything like me, even a cockroach in your room (after it has announced itself to you) is a scary movie you will replay in your head. So, I will tell you in advance, DO NOT watch this.

But if your tolerance for horror movies is like having an appetite for pizza, then maybe you can give it a shot. But let me tell you, this is no ordinary pizza. This is pizza that will play tricks with you.


Basically, this movie is really scary. And you don’t have to take my word for it. You can depend on the critics who have stamped it as the new generation’s Exorcist.


The movie Hereditary that comes from first-time director, Ari Aster has received screamingly (pun intended) positive reviews at the Sundance Film Festival 2018.

A woman with a freakish doll house fetish, a man on fire, a girl beheading a dead pigeon are the least scary bits of the trailer. And this is coming from me.

We don’t want to give too much away. Watch this two minute trailer at your own risk.