In today’s share of absolutely bizarre occurrences, we have a throwback to this fake sign language expert whose actions outraged the world.

fake sign language expert reaction

In 2017, A US woman named Derlyn Roberts was caught signing absolute gibberish during a Florida news conference. She was interpreting Chief Brian Dugan from the Tampa Police Department as he announced the arrest of a suspected serial killer.

The old news video has caught the attention of Twitter, and people are in splits. (Imagine me laughing as I write this cos it’s just too funny)

Reportedly, in a media interaction with Inside Edition, the police spokesperson Janelle McGregor had said, “She showed up and presented herself as being here to provide interpreter services.” She added that the press conference had to be done so quickly that the department didn’t have enough time to arrange an interpreter.

Here’s how Twitter has been reacting to this viral news clip.

Honestly, one needs to have guts to even think of attempting something like that!

And this is not the first time somebody acted as a sign language interpreter in a high-profile setting. Apparently, eight years ago, a US man signed nonsense as the world leaders, including Obama, graced Nelson Mandela’s memorial. He later admitted that he had been hallucinating.

Watch the video here:

Only if we had this kind of confidence!