We’re all secret subscribers of food porn. Admit it. There’s nothing more visually stimulating than cheese melting, butter forming a golden puddle and mozzarella cheese threads coming apart when you pick up a slice of pizza. Your stomach gets excited, salivary glands kick into overdrive and hands reach for the phone. Now an exact opposite of food porn is what this Facebook page called Horrible Food Porn , does.

1. A match made in hell.

2. Subway and powerade.

3. See where it says ‘fully cooked’?

4. When in doubt, pop in a hot dog.

5. …add dishwash soap for best taste.

6. Pork and beans ice lolly. For those quick lunches on hot summer days.

7. Fancy a burger with some toothpaste garnishing?

8. Coleslaw. Enough said.

9. Some ash, pizza crust topped off with ketchup and a cigarette butt. 

10. The aesthetics of food.

11. Bananas and spaghetti. Every foodie’s gag reflex.

12. I don’t even.

13. Proof that Nutella doesn’t go with everything.

14. Might just be on to something here.

15. Steak well-done with jelly beans.

16. Stay away from the jagged teeth.

17. A balanced breakfast.

18. Pineapple pizza > whatever this is.

19. Square shaped, microwaved, leftover spaghetti.

20. Presenting the abomination sammich.

Hungry anyone?

All pictures sourced from Horrible Food Porn.