Facebook feed. Instagram stories. Snapchat snaps. WhatsApp messages. YouTube videos. Twitter characters.

We all know that ours is the mobile phone wielding generation. It’s like our lives reside in our smartphones. And while living in the virtual world, we often forgot to enjoy the real world. We’ve forgotten the pleasure of simple walks and meaningful conversations. And we don’t know how comfortable silences sound like. 

A 79-year-old retired bank manager gives a heartwarming message that will probably make you put your phone aside and enjoy your surroundings. 

This post from Humans of Bombay will hit you right in the gut.

Humans of Bombay

This is his story:

“In my time, I had a successful career as the Bank Manager at Union bank for over 23 years. I’ve retired now and I’m on a pension of a few thousand Rupees a month, which may not seem like a lot — but believe me it is. Unfortunately, it’s only once you stop working that you realise that happiness can’t be bought. I’m 79, and it’s only now that I’m finding things that give me that peace and happiness. Spending time with my wife and daughter, my walks here everyday, the sea, the shore, the little Ganpati Mandir on the banks that I like to visit when the tide is low…all of these bring me so much joy.”

You can read the original post here.

A great message to all those running around to get somewhere. Stop. Breathe. Just be.