Rumors around Salman Khan’s leading lady in his upcoming wrestling-drama film, Sultan, have been doing the rounds for months now. From Deepika Padukone to Parineeti Chopra, a number of A-list actresses were ‘reported’ to be roped in for this film. A few days ago, it was even rumored that TV actress Mrunal Thakur had lapped up the coveted role.


However, it seems like Twitter has become the new ‘official’ platform for announcing the cast of popular projects. After Deepika’s hide and seek game on her big Hollywood debut culminating on Twitter, we have another big announcement, all thanks to the micro-blogging medium!

The rumor mills can finally rest now, because the leading lady of Sultan has taken matters into her own hands!

Here’s what she tweeted to clear the air, once and for all:

Yes guys, it’s official! Anushka Sharma will star opposite Salman Khan in the upcoming sports-drama film, Sultan. And with this big news, she has now checked all three Khans off her list.

Way to go Anushka! Can’t wait for this one now.