Using plastics in almost everything we do is quite normal for us. But since when did these kinda sight became usual?
Yes, they have become an everyday sighting especially in Mumbai. So much so we can now say that plastics are encroaching on our space.
These Instagram accounts are sending out a strong message in this regard. They give us some disturbing visuals which if don’t make us think, nothing else in the world will.
Although, we are using plastic incessantly, I am sure none of us would have imagined this.
That awful feeling when you have to look through a long stretch of garbage for looking at the pristine beach waters.
And this is what we have done to our landscapes.
Those waves hitting us straight in the face with all the shit we are giving to our oceans, our land, our planet.
Is this the legacy we are leaving behind for our next generations?
It’s high time we need to reduced the use of plastic because the question is looming over ‘Planet or Plastic?’
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