You don’t know a person until you have lived with them, it’s a saying that is completely true. What are not true is some of the men’s assumptions about how women live. Here, they discuss things they figured out only after they started sharing an apartment with a woman, and while these points should not lead to generalisation, I think we can all agree they are funny.

1. That decorative pillows are a thing. You carefully choose and purchase them just so you can spend the rest of your life pushing them out of the way, and occasionally cleaning them.

Answer Source: Reddit

2. It took me a while to figure out that pads are stuck onto the panties as opposed to right on the vagina!

Answer Source: Reddit


3. Hair. Fucking. Everywhere.

Answer Source: Reddit

4. Take scalding hot showers. It’s like the only use the cold knob has is to hold the body scrubber thing.

Answer Source: Reddit


5. Women are always cold…..always. I can be sweating in shorts and t-shirt, but my SO will be wrapped in blankets still.

Answer Source: Reddit

6. I didn’t realize women paid so much for bras until I got married and also ended up paying too much for bras as well.

Answer Source: Reddit


7. When it’s time for her to go to bed, it’s actually time for us to go to bed.  

Answer Source: Reddit

8. My girlfriend of a year had naturally curly hair that she straightened every morning. Never had a clue.

Answer Source: Reddit


9. I still don’t know what she does with that weird rock thing in the shower.

Answer Source: Reddit

10. I did not realize that women had to pluck the hair out on their nipples. I was shocked!

Answer Source: Reddit


11. Had no clue I loaded the dishwasher ‘wrong.’

Answer Source: Reddit

12. When I first moved in with my girlfriend, I got yelled at for putting ‘dirty’ clothes with my clean ones. I was totally under the impression I could wear that shirt like two more times.

Answer Source: Reddit


I must admit that as a woman who has lived with women, even I didn’t know some of these.