I know, I know. Most men complain ‘Father’s Day hai, Mother’s Day hai, Women’s Day hai, Daughter’s Day hai but hamara hi koi din nahin hota‘. When we remind them of International Men’s Day, bam! then comes a reply, ‘nobody gives a f**k about it’.
And when you are trying to make them understand that we do care about your day, Google proves otherwise. Not cool, Google. ‘Doodle kahan hai?‘
Men should be celebrated, acknowledged, praised, loved, cared, and pampered too. And majority of us don’t thank them enough, tbh, even for a day. This is why I decided to pour my heart out to every man, who has added positivity around me and made me a better version of myself.
On this International Men’s Day, I am dropping two lines each for all superheroes in my life, that I haven’t expressed yet:
1. A daughter to her father
I know you are done with all the professional responsibilities and have been waiting for my big day. But if I could repay one-fourth part of your contribution to my life, I would consider myself a lucky daughter.

2. A sister to her brother/s
Growing up with you has been a great learning experience for understanding men’s likes, dislikes, vulnerabilities, insecurities, and more. I know you will keep showering me with presents, but the biggest gift I have is both of you.

3. A companion to her partner
A hug won’t be enough to show my support for you, but holding hands till eternity sure will. You have been taking care of many responsibilities, and I wish I could share the load with you.

4. A professional to her colleague/s
Just an acknowledgement of being a great co-worker. Working together in the team and learning from each other rather than competing in the ‘who is more efficient, men or women’ race counts as a positive experience.

5. A subordinate to her manager & editor/s
Gratitude to the manager and male editors, who are handling a team of women and giving a nudge to our opinions that we are often shushed about in society. Thank you, Shivam, Josh, Jena, and Rohit, you guys are Chak De! ke Shah Rukh Khans.

6. A student to her teacher/s
My two-line acknowledgement won’t be enough as payback for your valuable teachings in school and colleges. Stories and poems were a great part of the curriculum, but real life talks served as actual lessons.

7. A buddy to her former friend/s
Cheers to our friendship and the times we created many memories. Life may have drifted us apart, but thank you for being a part of my journey.

8. A passenger to her cab driver
An appreciation to all the cab drivers, who were strictly professional while dropping me home or to other locations and made me feel safe during the rides. May you get a raise this time.

To all the women, have you ever appreciated men in your life? If not, aaj mauka hai, kar do. Happy International Men’s Day. Let’s file a petition to make this day a big deal ‘coz it surely is. Ab toh khush ho jaao yaar– says a woman, who is extremely grateful to you all.
P.S. I know you wanna shed tears but bottling up your emotions ‘coz ‘men don’t cry’. Go on. No one is judging you. Let them flow.