On Christmas vacation in Tamil Nadu, a 15-year-old boy from Bengaluru died after his cell phone reportedly burst into flames, says a Times of India report.   

R Abilesh, a Class 10 student had arrived at his aunt’s house in Vanur on December 23 along with his parents, to celebrate Christmas. 

According to the report, the tragic incident took place on the afternoon of December 25 when Abilesh was talking to someone on his cellphone on the terrace of his aunt’s house when the phone caught fire. 

When he tried to throw it his shirt caught fire and he sustained severe burn injuries that resulted in his death. 

b’Representational Image | Source: PTI/File Photo’

Police believes the cellphone caught fire due to the high tension wire which pass over the terrace of the house.  

A similar incident was reported in Madhya Pradesh in 2014 when a man received a 11,000 volt jolt while talking on his phone on terrace above which the high tension wires passed, says this report in The Hindu

While the patient survived in that case, he had to undergo multiple surgeries.