When Dibakar Banerjee released the Detective Byomkesh Bakshy motion poster, it made everyone sit up and take notice. This was not going to be a run-of-the-mill Bollywood movie, that much was certain. Designed by A Grinning Tree Production , the motion poster has left us rather captivated.
If you’ve seen it already, you know exactly what we mean. If not, watch it here . NOW.
To keep you going till the movie finally hits screens, the good people at A Grinning Tree gave us exclusive access to the step-by-step of this masterpiece. Right from its conception to the final, dark, compelling and extremely beautiful motion poster, this is how the Yash Raj Films Detective Byomkesh Bakshy poster came to life.
Fun detail? Antara, of Grinning Tree, mentioned to ScoopWhoop that the motion poster was created over a series of conference calls. We’re serious.
Let your mind be blown.
It began with Dibakar Banerjee’s ‘strokes’ of genius.
Picture credit: Dibakar Banerjee
And Sushant Singh Rajput breathed life into it.
Picture credit: Nikos Andritsakis/YRF
It was treated the way art should be.
Picture credit: A Grinning Tree Production
Layered with details, handled with care.
Picture credit: A Grinning Tree Production
The story began with the poster, itself.
Picture credit: A Grinning Tree Production
A mix of colours that caught us unaware.
Picture credit: A Grinning Tree Production
An overcast Kolkata, mysterious and dark,
Picture credit: A Grinning Tree Production
And a shadowy Byomkesh on the run.
Picture credit: A Grinning Tree Production
I guess we’re all going to have to make our peace with compulsively re-watching the motion poster till release date April 10 arrives.