Taking cue from a fellow BJP MP’s remarks from November last year, Union minister for social justice and empowerment, Ramdas Athawale has now demanded Dalit reservation across sports, especially in the national cricket team.

b’Ramdas Athawale / File image: PTI’

“It should happen. Talented players from the community would get chances if reservation comes up,” Athawale is quoted as saying.

“Without affecting reservation of SCs, STs and OBCs, if 25% reservation is provided to upper-class communities based on economic backwardness, the issue of reservation would be resolved. The Gujjars were given 5% reservation by the state government. The Supreme Court restricts reservation beyond 50% of the employment opportunity. A Constitutional amendment will pave the way for this necessary change,” he added.

BJP MP Udit Raj had demanded reservation in sports, including in the national cricket team in November last year. “We demand Dalit reservation in all sports!” the Dalit leader had said in a tweet.

The issue for Dalits getting reservation in the Indian cricket team has been likened by the MPs to the law enacted by South Africa that at least five players of colour should be part of their national cricket team. 

Feature image source: AFP