A wedding ceremony was held at Chengala panchayat of Kerala’s Kasaragod district on July 17th. This has led to 43 people, including the bride and groom testing positive for coronavirus.

For representation purposes only

The Kasaragod District Collector has asked all those who were at the wedding to go into quarantine. He has also directed the police to file a case as per the act amounting to a punishment of two years imprisonment and Rs 10,000 fine under the Kerala Epidemic Diseases Act. 

National Herald

All those affected are undergoing treatment under various centres according to Deputy DMO Dr Manoj. 

It looks like more than 50 people were there, but we think that all persons were not present together at a time since there are regulations that not more than 50 people should be present at weddings at a time. 

The state of Kerala has reported over 18,000 coronavirus cases.