In a touching gesture, an IAS-IPS couple from Himachal Pradesh has offered to adopt the daughter of a martyred Army jawan who was brutally murdered and beheaded by Pakistan Army across LoC on May 1. 

The couple plans to bear the 12-year-old girl’s educational and other expenses until she is married, reports The Times of India

While the girl, Khushdeep Kaur, will continue living with her family, she has been promised constant financial support from Kullu deputy commissioner Yunus Khan and his wife, SP Anjum Ara. 


The couple has also promised to go and meet her from time to time and provide her with all kinds of support and assistance for her career and future. 

Kaur’s father, Naib Subedar Paramjit Singh, was one of the two jawans beheaded by Pakistan in the Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir.

A similar initiative has been taken up by Baba Ramdev who has announced setting up a residential school to provide free education for children of martyrs in the national capital region (NCR). The school will only admit children of  those armed forces personnel who have sacrificed their lives for the nation.

(Feature image source: PTI)