These are difficult times. Most of us around the world are in a lockdown. And while home’s the safest place there is right now, we still need essentials to live ad some of us might have the privilege of going out to get these services. 

So we must help each other in times like this. This was the case when a Colorado woman, Karen Evelth trained her dog to deliver her neighbour’s groceries so she wouldn’t have to leave the house, ABC News reported. 


Renee Hellman has COPD and certain other medical conditions that make her susceptible to getting infected. So Evelth came to help. 


She trained her dog, Sundance (Sunny), to fetch Hellman’s grocery list every day and bring the groceries back to her.

He just did it, it was, all of a sudden, and he was here, so it was wonderful. 

-Renee Hellman

Speaking to reporters, Evelth said: 

She could not believe it, she always runs to the window to see that ‘oh my God I can’t believe he did it again, and again, and again… He does get his treats, he’s motivated by those for sure. But he’s really special to me, and I’d be lost without him because he helps me so much, so I wanted him to help other people.

Now this is a heartwarming story. But you must understand that Sunny has been especially tried for this purpose. Your pet hasn’t been. So philanthropy is great, but do not send your trained dog on the streets without supervision!