Donald Trump will donate his annual presidential salary of $400,000 to charity by year’s end, spokesman Sean Spicer said Monday — and he even wants the media he often criticizes to help him choose a worthwhile cause.

“The president’s intention is to donate his salary at the end of the year,” Spicer told reporters at his daily briefing. “He made a pledge to the American people.”

b”Trump during his campaigns had often said that if elected, he won’t take any salary. | Source: Reuters”

“He kindly asked that you all help determine where that goes,” he continued — a rather unusual statement from a White House that has made hostile confrontation with the media a near-daily occurrence.

“The way that we can avoid scrutiny is to let the press corps determine where it should go,” Spicer said with a hint of irony, perhaps in reference to past media scrutiny of Trump’s donations and the management of his family foundation.

b’Sean Spicer | Source: Reuters’

Several times during his presidential campaign, the billionaire businessman said he did not plan to take a salary, save one dollar, the legal minimum.

In the past, Herbert Hoover and John F. Kennedy also donated their presidential salaries to charity.

(Feature image source: Reuters)