Thursday marks the occasion of the 245th anniversary of the day when Ludwig Van Beethoven was baptised and Google decided to go a little crazy with it’s doodle to honour the day.

” It’s unclear when Beethoven was actually born, but December 17th marks the 245th anniversary of his baptism. Today provided us a rare opportunity to construct a game in step with beautiful music, whose evocative moods, drama, lightness, and depth made conjuring visuals to match it rollickingly fun. Here’s to one of history’s greatest artists, and to hoping that, wherever you happen to be traveling this holiday, your life’s work isn’t eaten by a horse,” Google mentioned on their b log .

Google homepage

Usually doodles either still or moving images whose animations last for maybe 10 seconds or less.

The timing of the Doodle which has been created to honour Beethoven, depends on how long one takes to solve the four musical puzzles.

The fifth symphony, Fur Elise, Moonlight Sonata and The Ninth Symphony were four of the musical compositions of Beethoven that were used in this Doodle.

Google Homepage

You can move on to the next symphony if only you can arrange the musical notes in the right order.

Try out the Google Doodle click here .