Anil Ambani’s eldest son Anmol, who is currently the executive director of Reliance Capital, went into a Twitter tirade recently, slamming the lockdowns which he claimed were all part of an insidious plan to control us and destroy the economy and society as we know it. 

The 28-year-old first posted this after Maharashtra announced the lockdown. He questioned why everything else was allowed but businesses were shut.

He then termed the entire situation #Scamdemic.

Consequently, he posted a series of images stating that the lockdowns ‘destroy the very backbone of our society and economy’, that they were ‘about control’ and were ‘part of a much larger and very sinister plan to control every aspect of your life’.

His explosive rant was met with a flurry of replies that ranged in opinion.

While some opposed his views, most replies were in support of what he had to say. Anmol has tweeted against wearing masks and getting the vaccines in the recent months as well.