In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the Indian railways has cancelled all passenger trains till March 31. No passenger train will be allowed to operate till the end of this month in a bid to control the spread of COVID-19. 

All passenger train services on Indian Railways including premium train services, mail/express trains, passenger trains, suburban trains, Kolkata Metro, Konkan Railways, etc, will be cancelled toll March 31. 

-Indian Railways Statement

 Only the goods trains will run from March 22 midnight till March 31 midnight, said the statement. The Indian Railways’ minimum suburban services, including the Kolkata Metro service, will continue till March 22 midnight and be suspended thereafter until March 31. 

The tickets will be refunded to all the passengers and the trains that begun their journey prior to 4.00 am on March 22 will run up to their destinations and stop at their final station.