Bhopal’s Habibganj Railway Station saw the new face of Indian Railways. The Make In India Luxury Coaches were revealed in the station and were inspected by Railway Board Chairman AK Mittal. 

Once these coaches reach New Delhi, they will be further inspected by Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu. 

Part of a Rs 32 crore project, these lush coaches were designed by Bhopal’s coach rehabilitation workshop (CRWS). The coaches, indeed, look so luxurious that booking tickets might be more difficult and painstaking than ever. Take a look.

Chairman AK Mittal inspecting the new coaches. And looks like he approves!

Green toilet systems have been introduced in the coaches. And there are snack tables for the side berths 

Upgrades also include features like LED lights, floors painted to resemble carpets and spacious seating 

The lavatory looks more usable 

Washing hands after a visit to the lavatory does not seem so daunting anymore

Honestly, purple just looks better than the dull green

And this is what an AC 2-tier model coach looks like

In short, it has a very feel-good vibe to it

Indian Railways is now inclined to make more such coaches, seeing that the response has been very positive

Folks, looks like we all are just going to travel more than we usually do!