Masked men carrying weapons were spotted in Uran in Navi Mumbai on Thursday and that put everyone, including the Navy, on high alert. Following this incident, the town has been put on high security alert as well and the Uran Education Society School has declared a holiday on Friday, reports ANI.
In a new update, the police has also released sketches of the suspects.
Maharashtra police release sketch of two terror suspects reportedly seen in #Uran near #Mumbai
— Dhaval Kulkarni (@dhavalkulkarni) September 23, 2016
Mumbai: School children claimed of seeing a group of armed men, near Naval base in Maharashtra’s Uran. Search ops continue
— ANI (@ANI_news) September 22, 2016
Uran: School children claimed of seeing a group of armed men, near Naval base in Maharashtra’s Uran. Search operations on.
— ANI (@ANI_news) September 22, 2016
Maharashtra: Uran Education Society School(students of which had complained) has declared a holiday tomorrow due to security reasons
— ANI (@ANI_news) September 22, 2016
Security tightened at Mumbai airport after high alert was issued #Uran
— ANI (@ANI_news) September 23, 2016
Uran security alert: High alert in Uran near Mumbai, schools in Uran shut after alert; Navy, NSG, Coast guard conduct search operations
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) September 23, 2016
Combing operations in Uran continue, Maharashtra Home Dept confirms that its probing seizure of an abandoned boat on 7th Sept near Uran.
— ANI (@ANI_news) September 23, 2016
VIDEO: Uran security alert- Police releases sketch of suspect
— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) September 23, 2016
(Feature image is representational)
(Feature image source: PTI)