A Tamil Nadu Minister has landed in a controversy after a video footage emerged purportedly showing him asking “insulting” questions to girl inmates of a sports hostel in Pudukottai during an inspection.

Youth Welfare and Sports Minister S Sundararaj is facing flak for visiting the hostel in the night for inspection and asking various “insulting” questions to the girl hockey players.

The incident has come to light after the video footage of the inspection on last Thursday went viral on the social media.

The Minister in the clip is purportedly seen “insulting” the girls verbally and also tugging jersey of one of them.

Here’s  the video:


PMK leader S Ramadoss criticised the Minister for taking up the visit and for “insulting” the students.

Normally an inspection by a Minister in a girls hostels takes place during the day and also in the presence of Women Hostel Warden, but the Minister violated all such rules, he alleged.