On Tuesday, Indian cricket captain Mithali Raj unintentionally broke the internet with a harmless picture which – not so surprisingly! – many objected to.
To give you a quick brief, Mithali Raj was widely slut-shamed and schooled about being an “Indian girl” for a throwback picture that showed her, lo and behold, cleavage, because well, “sanskar”.
(Also Read: Mithali Raj Is Being Slut-Shamed Because How Dare She Choose To Wear Something This Normal)
I mean, why care about her numerous world records and performances on the field when she can’t behave like a proper Indian girl, right?
But, thankfully, none of the comments seemed to affect Mithali Raj and we wouldn’t have cared either if the comments were not that disgusting. (You really have to read them to know what we are talking about.)
As we ourselves couldn’t find any problem with what seemed like a simple picture of some girls having fun, we asked our readers to decode this mystery for us:
And boy, the responses were overwhelming!
From puns to humor to some serious brainy stuff, the majority of comments were in good spirit.
Take a look:
Thank you, readers for restoring our faith in common sense, because when there is so much bulls**t on the internet, opinions such as these are invaluable.
As far as cleavage is concerned, to be honest, we really can’t do away with it, but here’s something that we all can get rid of – our garbage opinions.
(Feature image design credit: Saurabh Rathore/ScoopWhoop)