Toufiq Teji Shah alias Irani reportedly has over 25 cases of chain-snatching against him. Once arrested and currently on the run from police, Toufiq was married in his native town of Ambivali in Maharashtra recently to his aunt’s daughter Sohra Irani.

And what a wedding it turned out to be! 

Mumbai Mirror report said: “India’s top chain-snatchers, seasoned thieves and master muggers” attended the event which was a 1000-guest affair. They had come from all over India, from cities like Delhi, Bhopal, Aurangabad, Karnataka and Mumbai.”

Toufiq was arrested in 2012 after which a number of stolen chains and other valuables were recovered from him. He was let-off on bail, but he went back to chain-snatching. 

The police booked him again in 2016 and have been trying to arrest him ever since.

If you are wondering why the police didn’t arrest him at the venue itself, it was because they felt that arresting the bridegroom could spark law-and-order problems. However, they did reportedly have 20 personnel who kept a close watch on the festivities. 

Unfortunately for them, the Thane police commissioner has now ordered an inquiry as to why the cops didn’t make the most of a golden opportunity.