Days after a jailed driver from Karnataka who appealed on video for help from his ‘cruel’ Saudi employer, a similar video has come up in which a woman stranded in Saudi Arabia is seeking help from Indian authorities.
Misbah Nasir Sheikh, who landed in Saudi Arabia on March to work as a domestic help has complained of inhuman treatment by her employer. She added that she is not given proper food and water and is locked up.
She also said that she is not being allowed to come back to India.
Here is the video she sent to the Ministry of External Affairs appealing for help:
VIDEO | Indian women tortured in Saudi Arabia seeks help from MEA
— Times of India (@timesofindia) March 26, 2016
The MEA has not yet responded to the video.
Earlier this week, Union External Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj had promised action in the case of the Karnataka driver’s appeal and has said that the issue would taken up at diplomatic level.