US President-elect Donald Trump is famous for his double-takes when it comes to issues, and on Monday he added another incident to the list when he first refused to attend meeting with reporters and columnists from New York Times, calling it a ‘failing’ institution, and then attending the meeting anyway.

b’Donald Trump | Source: Reuters Filexc2xa0′

Trump first refused to attend the meeting, demanding a change in some ground rules pertaining to the interaction. This is what New York Times tweeted: 

Trump decided to meet with the media giant anyway. And went on to refer to Times as a ‘jewel’, as NYT quoted.

This was the second time the new President-elect appeared for a public interview or Q&A session after his surprise victory two weeks back. 

Though the interview was not broadcast live, some NYT reporters and journalists tweeted Trump’s statements in real time. Here are the highlights of what the President-elect said, in tweets: 

On jailing Hillary Clinton

On White-Nationalist gatherings:

On Breitbart and the ‘alt right’:

On climate change:

On ‘rogue’ Republicans:

On meeting Obama for the first time:

According to NYT, the President-elect defended Steve Bannon, the controversial new Chief Strategist at the White House (and also head of alt-right publication Breitbart), calling him a ‘nice guy’. 

He also spoke about separating his business entity from his role as President, though he made no qualms about declaring that he was under no legally binding obligation to separate his business empire from the White House, or define clear boundaries for both. 

The NYT called Trump ‘unconventional’ but also claimed that he was flouting Presidential rules and code of conduct. 

Trump said that he hoped to ‘get along’ with the media organization. NYT wrote in a report that the interview reflected the impulsiveness and  ‘volatility’ of the President-Elect’s decisions. 

Feature Image Source: AFP/Reuters