Three days after quitting as the defence counsel for Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the defamation case against him filed by Union minister Arun Jaitley, senior Supreme Court lawyer Ram Jethmalani has now revealed an explosive letter. In his personal blog, Jethmalani has posted a letter (dated July 20) in which he has blamed Kejriwal for using ‘worse abuses’ than ‘crook’ against Jaitley.

Here is a screenshot of the letter which he has posted on his blog:

The recent development comes after Jaitley had filed another lawsuit of Rs 10 crore against Kejriwal because Jethmalani had called him a ‘crook’ during his cross examination. Jethmalani later said that he used the word at the behest of Kejriwal, a claim which the latter has clearly denied.

Jethmalani is now accusing Kejriwal of telling a lie. “He has gone and said that I have not given any instructions, but the fact is he did and I have them recorded. I’m not disappointed at all; I did all that I could do. If he does not pay me I don’t mind, because I have fought for many for free. It does not make a difference if I lose one,” he told ANI News.

b’Jaitley with Kejriwal | Source: PTI’

 The defamation case dates back to 2015 when Kejriwal and five other AAP leaders accused Jaitley of irregularities and corruption while heading Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) for 13 years.

The allegations had led Jaitley to file civil and criminal defamation suit of Rs 10 crore against Kejriwal and five other top AAP leaders, including Ashutosh, Raghav Chadha and Kumar Vishwas.

While the trial for defamation case was going on in May, Jethmalani referred to Jaitley as a “crook” during cross-examination in the court. The remark didn’t go down well with Jaitley, who filed a second defamation suit for Rs 10 crore against Kejriwal.

Feature image source: PTI