When over 30000 farmers started their walk from Nashik, I am sure they had no idea of the distance they’ll be traversing. But one thing I am sure of is, they were ready and prepared for what may come.

These images speak leaps and bounds about their hardships and struggles which have made them leave their farms and march on roads.

Let the pictures do the talking.

That peace and calm on her face after the whole day’s march should be enough to wake you up from sleep.


While we are sleeping comfortably in our houses, open skies are the only shelter for them.


No matter what the distance, these bleeding feet will travel it all.


These painful pictures should make your blood boil.


And such is the level of unity among them, that it could put us to shame.

When those feeding us are out on streets, how is it possible for us to sit comfortably in our offices and homes.

A sea of red has engulfed the entire city.


Old, young, children, or men and women. All have resorted to roads, telling their painful story.

And if you are having your meal, these pictures should make it even it harder for you.

People who work hard day and night to give us food are on roads. Is this the future?

It’s time to support them and stand for them.