Though a significant aspect of the human experience for many people, sex can lead to a lot of health problems, if it’s not approached safely. In fact, a study says that people who’ve had 10 or more oral sex partners are 4.3 times more likely to develop human papillomavirus, which can lead to mouth and throat cancer.

HPV is one of the most sexually transmitted infections, and it’s usually harmless, but in some cases it can lead to cervical or oropharyngeal cancers.
Having oral sex as an adolescent or teen increases a person’s risk for HPV-related cancers by 80%. Whereas people who’ve had older sexual partners when they were young and those who’ve had extramarital sex were at the risk of being 70% more likely to have HPV-related cancers. Clearly, HPV vaccinations are essential as a prevention measure!

Wow. What a revelation.