I often think about the things a person inherits, by virtue of being born to who they are born to. The moment they enter the world, a lot becomes theirs, it just takes them some time to find out. 

One of these things is the disappointments of their parents. As lessons in recovery, expectations, grief, or even solace, failures do come back to children – and it’s fascinating to read the stories based on their perceptions.

An example of the same is this thread, where a son fondly talks about his father’s obsession with cricket, the one incident that stopped him from making it to the national level, and the man’s most prized possession – his instincts. 

Posted by Ramki on Twitter, this thread tells the story of his father, who is known in his family as the ‘saviour of falling objects’. He used to be a cricketer once. 

An important catch in a crucial match cost him a place in the national squad and after that, he hung his gloves. 

However, he carried one thing from the field, the most important thing – his ‘keeper skills’. In years to come, he’d save many eggs and pickle jars from what seemed like an inevitable fate of destruction. 

Watching him do this has become the family’s habit but for better context, here is his story. 

Fast forward to a few days ago, the former cricketer goes and saves a vase. Not like it was going to break. It was made of metal. But a simple oops from his wife’s mouth was enough for him to dive. 

In the process, he got hurt pretty badly, and panic ensued. But after things settled, the children, or at least one child (the narrator of the story), asked his father why does he do this and his mother, why does she entertain it?

That’s when his mother told him what was a secret till now. That his father’s ‘best catch’ did not happen on a cricket field, and it potentially saved his life the day he was born. 

The ‘could haves’ weigh heavy on the shoulders of people who live with them and those who live with the said people. But often, there is more to the story.

We hope the ‘keeper’s reflexes’ always stay intact in the writer’s father.