The Supreme Court of India, in a landmark decision, has just decriminalised homosexuality. Bye, Bye Sec 377A. You were a royal pain in the arse while you lasted. We will not miss you.

Indian Express

This means people of the LGBTQ community cannot be put in jails or be scrutinised by the law for choosing a partner of the same sex. Which is great, really. 

Askmen India

But while we can consider this a step forward, we must understand that the right to not get jailed for having consensual sex is the basest of fundamental rights.

Times Higher Education

Which means that this is a mere stepping stone, albeit in the right direction of course. 


Because the SC has also made it clear that it would not venture into the issue of marriage relating to the LGBTQ community or inheritance in live-in relationships. 


So yeah. A long battle still lies ahead of us, and not just in terms of the law. 


One of the biggest issues that still hunts the LGBTQ community is social stigmatisation. 

As a nation with one of the youngest populations in the world, it is our solemn job to make sure that we build a society where people are not only accepted irrespective of their sexuality but also respected for the work and achievements like the rest of us are. 


Not being jailed is one thing, being accepted as a part of the society is another. We must strive to create an environment that doesn’t separate them from the rest of the society.


Anyhow, this is a good day, a historic one for that matter, so let’s enjoy it, celebrate it. But, let us not forget that this a mere stepping stone and a lot still needs to be done, if true equality is to be achieved.