The bigger the better. It seems like a Chinese restaurant has taken it a bit too literally.

Located in a mall in Hangzhou, The Trendy Shrimp restaurant offers discounts to women on the basis of their bra size.

b’The advertisement put up by the restaurant shows a line of cartoon women in undergarments with a slogan- “The whole city is looking for BREASTS.” | Source: Twitterxc2xa0′

According to Qianjiang Evening Post, after the restaurant shared a poster for the same, some people complained about it and were subsequently removed after a few days.

The advertisement put up by the restaurant shows an illustration of women in undergarments with a slogan- “The whole city is looking for BREASTS.” It also describes the discounts depending on the cup size, with greater offers being available to women with a bigger cup size.

b’The manager added that in order to avail the discount the customers could deal with a waitress rather than encountering any male staff to “avoid embarrassment.” | Source: Reuters’

BBC reports that while the restaurant removed the posters, the general manager defended their sales strategy saying that ever since they put up the posters, there was an increase of over 20% in their customers and that “some of the girls were very proud- they had nothing to hide.”

The manager added that in order to avail the discount the customers could deal with a waitress rather than encountering any male staff to “avoid embarrassment.”

(Feature image source: Twitter)