From physical to societal, women have to face a lot of challenges on a daily basis and so, here are some life hacks from Redditors that may come in handy. Read on.

1. Taking a moment before answering/deciding/reacting. Don’t be pulled into someone else’s tempo, keep your own rhythm and pace.

Answer Source: Reddit

2. Put your pad on your underwear and leave it on the sink so it’ll be ready once you get out of the shower and it’ll be less likely that you’ll have an “accident.”

Answer Source: Reddit


3. Say thanks instead of sorry when you’re asking for something.

Answer Source: Reddit

4. The world will go on spinning if you stop making decisions based on appeasing men. In fact, it will feel a lot smoother. It’s not easy but it’s worth it.

Answer Source: Reddit


5. If you want something, especially at work, make sure you say it to others who can help you make it happen.

Answer Source: Reddit

6. Put your bobby pins in a magnetic paper clip holder

Answer Source: Reddit


7. It’s better to be single than in a miserable relationship.

Answer Source: Reddit

8. Never say ‘I think’ when you actually know something. It makes people more likely to challenge you or think you are open to being convinced. We’re too trained to temper our language to seem nice.

Answer Source: Reddit


9. If you feel you are being followed in a car, drive to the police station and call them on your way.

Answer Source: Reddit

10. Stop apologizing to your friends about the way you look. We love you

Answer Source: Reddit


It’s a shame that some of these hacks are even needed, though.