Women are sexualised right from the day they begin walking out in public. Even when they are just little children, they are looked at very differently when compared to the boys who are raised alongside them. Constantly told to cover up and remain ‘innocent’, like it is our fault that society views women in this light. 

This harsh reality of this double standard hits you when you begin to google something as simple as school kids. 

Because under the google image results of school boys, you see children dressed in uniform, on their way to study. 


But when you google school girls, instead of seeing underaged, minor girls in school uniforms. You see women dressed in overtly sexualised outfits, proving that the internet has hyper-sexualised child-like innocence. 


Even before they grow up, women are reduced to skimpy clothes, extremely short skirts and crop shirts. Because what is school girl if not a porn category?  


‘Sexy schoolgirl costume’, ‘sexy schoolgirl cosplay’ and ‘naughty school girl’ are words that you’ll see popping up in the search results. 


Objectification of minor girls is not a joke, but frustratingly, that is the world we live in.