Women often come across situations that are so problematic and have yet been normalized. TikToker Chan, in her videos, brings to our attention a few micro sexiest things that we don’t even realize but are sexist.

1. How many times have men randomly brushed off a woman because of her ‘daddy issues’, or even sexualised her for it; inside and outside of the locker room. 

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bored panda

2. The sexist undertone and the stereotypical jokes at the workplace are nothing new to women. Too aggressive for a woman, or a ‘bitch’ for just doing her job… Sounds familiar? 

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bored panda
bored panda
bored panda
bored panda

3. To teh extent that pop-culture and society have often even pitted women against women, instead of promoting sisterhood and a team effort. Not just in the workplace, but also amongst friends, siblings and so on. The whole ‘You’re not like other girls’ – something even women have often confessed to have appropriated. Why can’t women stand for women? Answer: internalised misogyny. 

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bored panda
bored panda

It’s time we changed the narrative and became more aware of these little things that may seem so casual and harmless, on the onset; but are actually debilitating to women’s self worth and capabilities. 

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bored panda
bored panda

It is time we realize this and stop it right away.