While people like you and me receive a gift voucher or an appreciation mail for meeting yearly goals, the owner of a cabinet company in Waterloo is rewarding his employees with a dream vacation. Yes, I know life is unfair! 

The boss rolled out this offer in the beginning of the year to motivate his workers. And when the employees did meet their goals, he kept his word!

Now, all of the 800 employees of Bertch Cabinets are going on a company-sponsored holiday trip to the Caribbean with a free stay at a five-star hotel in Miami!


After a year of hard work and dedication in meeting the company’s goals, president Gary Bertch decided that his employees could do with an exotic tropical adventure aboard Caribbean cruise and a stopover at the island of Cozumel that lies off the coast of Mexico. Describing the lucrative offer in his own words:

“We’ve got four charter aircraft that will be flying directly to Miami Sunday and staying at a nice five-star hotel. Then on Monday, we’ll bus over from the hotel to the port and load up on the ship.”

While the company has always rewarded its employees generously, it hadn’t organized anything on such a large scale since 2005. Back in 1989 was the first time when the Bertch Cabinet took its employees to a mass winter holiday. Unfortunately, recession hit the company in 2008 and the employee strength started to dwindle. Now that the company is making profits, the generous boss decided to say thank you to his employees. He said:

“We just tried to get all of our people pumped up a little more to achieve the various goals, both customer-oriented goals and financial goals.”

*Someone please make my boss read this*