Galiff St. Pet Market In Kolkata Promotes Animal Cruelty & It’s High Time We Did Something About It

Ira Shukla

Galiff Street in Kolkata is the home to the oldest pet market in the state that is visited by more than 40,000 people on the weekends alone.

So, one would expect dissent within the community (and beyond) regarding the practices taking place in the area. Unfortunately, it is minimal for now. 

In fact, most people are not even aware of the conditions in which animals are kept in the pet market. And then, of course, there are ones who know about them but don’t care enough to raise their voices. 

Among the few who want to bring a change is animal rescuer Dyutismita, who wrote to ScoopWhoop, with the details of what goes on at Galiff Street.

Animals are displayed and sold here like insentient commodities, caged for long hours, man-handled in the most skin-crawling manner- all of which is technically abuse. Most of the breeders here are unethical and illlegal, but who cares about that when people are getting a Labrador puppy for 5k.

This seems absolutely correct when you look at this video of the market. 

It’s difficult to sit through the entire duration of the video, which puts into perspective the pain of the animals who actually have to experience those things.

As you can see, the cages are homes to 3 puppies, who seem petrified because they have been put on display for people to come and look at them, and disturb them. 

Many people point out the same in the comments section.

Buying animals is a practice that needs to come to an end because if it doesn’t, the selling of animals will continue, and we cannot let that happen.

Please adopt animals and give them the dignity and love they deserve. As for pet markets like the one in Galiff Street, only collective objection can bring about a change and it’s high time we work towards that.

An immediate way to do that is to connect with Dyutismita on Instagram account: that_motherpupper. Let’s put an end to animal suffering by doing as much as we can.

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