12 People Share Experiences Of Being Catfished & It’ll Leave You Questioning Online Dating

Manya Ailawadi

Now that online dating is a concept, it has become easier to meet new people – love seems to be a swipe away. But at times, this swipe brings a whole lot of drama in life. So much so, that we’re left questioning romance, and not just on the internet. As easy as it is, online dating also comes with weird, and at times, terrible experiences like catfishing. 

Catfishing is when a person lures someone into a romantic relationship, by means of a fake online persona. We’re not saying – delete your dating profiles, but stay cautious. 

Because, these stories shared by Redditors on getting catfished will definitely leave you shocked:

1. “I got chatted up by a man, pretending to be a woman. After talking for months, I eventually agreed to meet for a drink. I got to the bar and sat there for 20 minutes, when a guy came up and told me that he was Amanda. I was shocked then, and he had the nerve to ask if I would stay for a drink.”

– shmurfy2015

2. “Creepy situation – where I was the girl whose photos were used for a catfish situation.

When I was a senior in high school, I was messaged by two different guys on Facebook, claiming that they did a backwards internet search of the girls’ photos with whom they had been sexting the past few months, and the photos lead back to my Facebook pictures. They sent me the fake Facebook link and the entire Facebook page was made up of all my pictures, but with a different name.”

– aaw4077

3. “Two of my friends tried to catfish me once. They made a fake Facebook account of this pretty attractive looking girl, and they added me as a friend. This was before I knew anything about catfishing people and stuff like that so I talked to “her”. I am into aquariums and fish and so was she. So we talked about that. Eventually I found out, but their goal was to get me to show up for a movie so that they could jump out and tell me, it was all a lie.”

– captain_danky_kang

4. “I agreed to meet a girl from Tinder for sex. When I asked her to skype, she said that she couldn’t. I went ahead with it anyway and was waiting outside a restaurant for like an hour. Eventually, I got a text from her, saying that she was sorry and that she’d lied to me about who she was. I  blocked her number, blocked her on Tinder, got a McDonalds to cut my losses and went home. I’m never meeting anyone again unless they skype or facetime.”

– RVCFever

5. “A couple of years ago, I was chatting with a “very good looking” guy on OKC for a bit. He would make plans with me, but cancelled every time, saying that something came up with his kid. One day I saw a picture of him on Pinterest. Turns out the “very good looking” guy lived somewhere else with his wife and they had a successful blog (hence the pictures). I confronted the guy about it and he said he had joined OKC to keep an eye on his ex-wife (kid’s mom) and found me in the process.”

– FearTheWeird

6. “I was a sophomore in high school, and my friend at the time created a fake profile of a boy. And maybe a month or so passed where I was “dating” him when someone recognized the photo being used on the account. Apparently, she did this to force me to listen to her through ‘him’. Plus she was terrified of me, stealing her boyfriend at the time. It was really mean of her and hurt me for a long time.”

– Tsunderechan

7. “I actually met someone on Reddit who said, they were a girl living in the same city as I was. We decided to chat, and I was under the impression that ‘he’ was a girl. He stated that he was a girl simply to make conversations. One day we decided to meet up, but before we left our houses, he told me that he was a guy. I was kinda pissed, but we chill every now and then, so it’s not that bad.”

– exytroll

8. “It was a girl who sent me pictures of her older sister, who was around my age. When we finally met for our first date, I realized that she was not the girl from the pictures because she was barely 18. She was apologetic, and explained that she sent me pictures of her sister instead of herself for various reasons. The lie about her age was only a slight problem because she had just turned 18, days before – so I wasn’t in any legal danger. We remained friends for years.”

– 5arge

9. A man shared his story of being catfished on Facebook, only to discover that the person catfishing him was his own girlfriend. – “I told my girlfriend about this random girl who added me on Facebook, a while back. She responded with – “Yeah that was me” and then, proceeded to log into the account to prove it. She was testing my loyalty and I apparently passed.”

– MacBookAmateur

10. “My pictures were stolen and used by a 14-year-old girl to catfish older boys. I found out, not knowing her age, and was kind of pissed. Once I found out that she was a minor trying to meet 20+ year old guys, I was just genuinely concerned about her and what could have happened.”

– gonekuckoo

11. “This guy pretended to be a girl on RuneScape for weeks just to “borrow” my abyssal whip.


– Yakooza1

12. “3 or 4 years ago I met up with a guy whose pictures were pretty good looking, of someone in their late 20s or early 30s. He ended up being a balding, shady looking guy, in his late 40s/50s. I immediately told him that it was not what I was expecting and left.”

– LikeGoldAndFaceted

No, don’t question love – only humanity. 

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