“I solemnly swear that I’ll start working out from tomorrow.”

How many times have you made this resolution? Can’t count them on your fingers, right? Well, you’re not the only one. We know there are gym freaks out there disagreeing. But in our defense, we aren’t lazy, okay? We are just heavy thinkers. Now, one can’t be panting on the treadmill while the brain works out, right? Thanks for agreeing.

Getting our asses to the gym and putting all the energy into losing those kilos and gaining that chiseled body is hard. Especially, when you’ve put so much strength into gaining all those calories, pizza by pizza!

So, to honor all those who hate working out as much as we do, here are some hilarious posts. Don’t forget to pass them around for inspiration!

1. New year resolutions be like.

 2. So is my imaginary gym instructor.

 3. Someone please answer her.

4. Out of breathe already!

 5. Eye exercise. That counts!

  6. And then I rest on my yoga mat. Mission accomplished!

 7. Wish this was true! 

8. Arm muscles strong already!

9. And then, luck smirks at my not-so-bikini body!

10. Ramdev might just run outta business, because someone just owned yoga!

11. We say it does!

12. Seems legit!

12. This is so deep. Choose happiness, guys.


13. This guy’s phone is really smart! 

14. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr. 

15. Where’s this kitchen he is talking about?

16. At least he has an instructor.

17. Good question! 


18. Story of my life. 

19. Hey technology, how about you get working!?


20. Ah. Wouldn’t life be sorted, then?

Someone’s giving you fitness tips? Breathe in air, and breathe out the advice!