My first thought when I saw this panda — BROWN? Since when do we have brown pandas? But, apparently we do and turns out this one is the ‘only known brown panda’ in the world. Say hi to Qizai, the cutest and only brown panda alive. According to AOL, the gentle giant is thought to be one of the only known brown and white pandas in history.


Qizai – meaning ‘the seventh son’ – is now 7-years-old.


He was found as a weak and neglected cub in a nature reserve in Qingling Mountains in Central China. 


According to reports, Qizai had a tough childhood and had to face bullying from other pandas while growing up.


Apparently, his mother – who was reportedly black and white – abandoned him when he was 2-months-old and disappeared into the jungle.


Scientists are guessing that the brown and white coat is due to some genetic mutation. Chinese experts are planning to find him a mate soon.


Meanwhile, Qizai is enjoying a life of a celebrity at the Foping Panda Valley. No one seems to be stealing his food anymore.


And there is more! Qizai has a personal caretaker who wakes up at 6 in the morning, sleeps by midnight and makes sure that Qizai isn’t hungry and is safe at all times.


He weighs more than 220 pounds and eats around 44 pounds of bamboo every day.


‘He is slower than the other pandas, but he is also cuter,’ Qizai’s keeper told DailyMail.


Too cute to handle? Yeah, we thought so.