School days were the best days of our lives. It’s the filter of nostalgia that makes them the most memorable. The real life starts post the school days and those bittersweet memories of friends and teachers, achievements and punishments, stay with us for the rest of our lives. At the brink of the freedom, that we can’t wait to embrace, those last days of school feel like the longest but in retrospect, are certainly the best.

Recently, Shah Rukh Khan was invited as the Chief Guest at the graduation ceremony of Dhirubhai Ambani International School and he shared some beautiful memories of his childhood with the graduating students. He shared his childhood experiences of being a mischievous kid whose father had a unique way of teaching him.

Shah Rukh has always been a great orator and this speech is not only meant for students who are graduating, but is an inspiration for all.











Watch the full video here:

Source: DAIS Mumbai

Design credit: Utkarsh Tyagi