12 Of The Dumbest Excuses Introverts Have Given For Leaving A Party

Anjali Awasthi

We know how being an introvert comes with a lot of labels. Most of the time, it’s hard to explain to people that you’re not secretive or self-absorbed. It’s just that it takes a little more effort for you to socialise or initiate a conversation. 

That said, social gatherings or parties can be a tough step for introverts. And they have listed down some of the dumbest reasons they gave to leave a party.

1. “Anyone have a cig? Step outside and leave. If they ask what happened, say your buddy was walking by and you decided to see what they were up to.”


2. “Before leaving, I’ll let an extrovert friend know that I am heading out and ask them to inform others. The word spreads quickly.”


3. “I got out of going to a Halloween party by saying that my wig was horrendous and that I had actually started bawling because of how bad the wig was. the wig was bad, and I did bawl, but the costume still looked fine without a wig, I just played up on the wig factor to get out of it.”


4. “When I lived in an apartment, I used the very small public parking spot as an excuse for people to not come over.”


5. “A friend called to invite me to a party. I said I had heart disease that was making me not feel well. I made up a name completely out of thin air. I am pretty sure she knew I was lying.”


6. “Look at my phone and pretend to frantically type. A few times I look a little concerned then politely tell the host a family member is locked out of their house and I have a key. Or something like that.”


7. “When I was a kid I didn’t want to go for a sleepover at my friend’s house, so my excuse was “I can’t, I’m lactose intolerant.”


8. “I’m impressed how many of you actually make it to the party in the first place! I’m planning days before an event how I can avoid going.”


9. “Omg I’ve used absolutely everything—work, family, car, pets, “scheduling conflict”, etc. I keep ’em pretty standard though. The weird ones are typically when I’m telling the truth.”


10. “For ‘mandatory fun’ events at work it’s usually a church. For other things, “just had a massive meal so I’m gonna take a 30-minute nap before heading your way” and just not showing up works pretty well.”


11. “Oh fuck there are loads -I can’t stay long because I need to get home and clean the fridge My brother has hurt his foot I need to take my meds I think my mum is upset I need to go draw a picture I have to go to Lidl before it shuts.”


12. “My brain is trying to kill me.” Then I left the wedding.


Read more: 12 People On Quora Share Dating Tips For Introverts.

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