Redditors Have Discovered The ‘National Spoon Of India’ & We’re Also Vouching For It Now

Vasudha Sabharwal

India is the seventh largest country in the world, with a diverse population of around 138 crores. But technically, we’re all the same people! 

You know why? Because there are some things that most Desis have in common. Be it our obsession with a delicious variety of food or perhaps just the fact that we all have the same spoons. (umm, yes! You read that right) 

Redditor posted a picture of a spoon on Reddit stating that it should be declared the ‘National Spoon of India,’ and we couldn’t agree more. My household has the same variety of spoons, and so does everybody else’s. Mind blown yet?

Redditors couldn’t keep calm either and they flooded the thread with their surprised reactions.

1. “How TF everyone in India has the same spoon?”


2. “The caption should be ‘Are/Were you even a middle class Desi if you haven’t seen this spoon?'”


3. “I have this! My neighbour has it. My friends have it. It is THE spoon!”


4. “I still don’t understand how did almost everyone in the country ended up having the same spoon/fork, etc. Like does anyone know the history of this?”

ThrowawayMyAccount 01

5. “This is the spoon that binds us all. Har ghar mein hai ye.”


6. “We just moved to India but we too have one of this spoon.”


7. “And I thought my choice is so royal… fkkkk.”


8. “I thought you stole it from my house.”


9. “I remember this from my childhood. Where TF did they go?”


While so many different designs of spoons have come up, this one particular kind has stood the test of times and now also seems to serve as a big nostalgia. Most of us have had these since forever! 

Out of so many different things, it’s crazy how a ubiquitous spoon also plays a part in binding us all together.

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