30 Of The Most Effed Up Questions On Quora That Wil Make You Want To Clean Your Soul With Soap

Smrutisnat Jena

TW: A lot of the things you are going to see below are beyond messed up. There’s sexual violence, bestiality, probably something about cannibalism and I am sure, some weird questions about sex. 

So, we went on Reddit to compile a little list of some of the most f**ked up shit that has ever been asked on Quora. Needless to say, it was a mistake. 

1. Drop a cross in it, then sprinkle it at a demon. If it works, it works. 

2. Pretty sure that’s just illegal. A

3. This dude is definitely about 5 ft 2.

Check Out – Funny Quora Questions

4. Everyday we stray further from God. 

5. Pro-tip: A swift kick to the head always calms down a entitled customer. 

6. You should not be allowed to procreate. 

7. Uhh, if you want your pet to be vegan, just get a goat or something. And punch yourself in the face for trying to make your cat vegan. Done? Now, repeat till you realise your mistake. 

8. Probably. She eats her greens.

9. Yeah, they have to eat those before chopping woods in the forest. 

10. Just watch porn, man. 

11. I had to read this. You must, too. 

12. I am gonna throw up. 


13. You could get away with pretty much anything these days. 

14. I am very sure I have seen this story unfold on screen a few times during my teenage years.

15. Why why would you ask the internet that? 

16. Alright, Jaime, post from your real account, man. 

17. Yeah, you got us. 

18. No. 

19. What the actual F*UCK!


20. This is what you get after scrolling through Reddit for an hour. 

21. What colour is your skin? 

22. This seems genuine. If any of you know about this, please let us know. 

23. Oh, I see we have reached the American Hall of Fame. 

24. Don’t have sex with your mom. 

25. Well, the c-word comes to mind but I have stopped using it on account of it being highly misogynistic. 

26. As long as they are not eating bacon, I guess they can. 

27. The planet is gonna burn to the ground soon enough and I am all for it. 

28. Just be yourself, man and have faith. 

29. Yes. 

30. I’ll watch this film. 

Okay. That’s enough messed up shit for today. I am going to lobotomise myself. The shit you have to read sometimes just to pay rent! 

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