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Over 150 stray dogs were allegedly poisoned and then dumped at Hyderabad’s Auto Nagar dump site on Friday. 

IB Times UK

According to the Times of India, this incident was brought to light after an activist followed a Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation vehicle that was transporting the bodies to the dump yard. 


Vikaram Chandhak of the Greater Hyderabad Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals told ToI that the vehicle was carrying 150 carcasses of dogs and one cow when it had stopped at Jaipur colony in LB Nagar. 

Chandhak said: 

They were not even buried properly. Most of them looked like they were already decomposing. A few dogs that were still alive were also being ferried in the same vehicle with the dead animals. 

Panneru Teja, a volunteer looking into the case said that there were at least 4 dogs alive inside the vehicle. One of them managed to escape from the pit and was sent to the Blue Cross for treatment. 


When Venkateshwara Reddy, the chief veterinary officer of the GHMC was asked about burying living animals, he told reporters that he was yet to receive a detailed report on the incident.