Since most of us are going to be locked in our own houses till the 3rd of May, probably longer if the situation doesn’t get better, we have truly begun to realise how much we just want to go out. 


It’s not that we don’t understand the consequences of such actions and so, we won’t go out. But that doesn’t stop us from wanting to. 

Much like this Golden Retriever, who just doesn’t want to go inside. And clearly, he has no shits left to give.


what would you do if this was your dog? 😂🤣 ##petlife ##dog ##foryou ##foryoupage ##learningtodog

♬ Surrender – Natalie Taylor

That dog is all of us right now! And since this video has gone viral, Twitter seems to have been cashing in on all the jokes!

But please and I can’t stress this enough, stay the hell inside. You life and the lives of many others depend on it!