In an absolutely heart-shattering case, a dog in Washington stayed with his owner for hours after his death and kept barking till the police could locate the body.

Facebook/Pierce County Sheriff’s Department

Daisy – the dog – and its owner had gone for a hike and when they didn’t return on estimated time, the man’s wife informed the police.

With little to no clues, the search was tough and several officers were sent in different directions. This is when one of them heard a bark and started walking in its direction.

Facebook/Pierce County Sheriff’s Department

It was a 30-minute hike for the officer, throughout which Daisy kept barking and finally helped the police find the body.

The details of the case were shared by the police department in a lengthy Facebook post. 

They ended the post with the lines:

Without the barking of his loyal companion Daisy, we never would have located the missing man.
Facebook/Pierce County Sheriff’s Department

In the end, it’s always the dogs who stay.